
If you are a first time waxer or even just curious about waxing then please keep reading! I am always on a mission to help people know that waxing should not be a scary experience. I of course understand that it’s not the most exciting or relaxing treatment to have done but please trust me when I say YOU WILL BE SO HAPPY YOU DID IT!

 I have hundreds of repeat clients to come back to me again and again every month and it’s not because they want to see me (although we do have some great chats!) and it’s not only because of the fancy products I’m using or the relaxing setting, it’s the RESULTS!

 So, here are a few real and honest things I want you to know about waxing. Some of these points have come from my very own clients too (I love asking my clients for feedback)



1.    Don’t Trim The Hairs

If you are unsure or think that you hairs might be too long when coming for your waxing appointment then don’t worry. On behalf of all waxing therapists out there I am here to tell you that the best thing you can do is NOT trim the hairs. Leave them. We will trim if necessary but you don’t have to.


2.    Exfoliate Exfoliate and Exfoliate


This is one that I am always asking clients to do but is also the one that we all brush over. The reason this is so important is because you will guarantee get a better wax. The two weeks coming up to your waxing appointment is the ideal time to get scrubbing, body brushing and moisturising. This will lift any potential ingrown hairs and remove dead skin cells resulting in me as a waxer being able to remove every single hair on the day.


3.    Waxing Will Make Your Hair Grow Back Finer

Lots of people can be a bit apprehensive to have waxing done especially facial waxing as they are afraid that the hairs will grow back stronger but that is not true. I can 100% tell you with confidence that they won’t. They will in fact become lighter, weaker and in lots of cases they will not grow back at all! You just need to be patient and trust the process.


 4.    Don’t Drink Caffeine Before Waxing


Try to limit your caffeine intake about 12 hours before your waxing appointment. If you drink too much caffeine before your appointment you might feel anxious or stressed, your sensitivity can be heightened and your pores can tighten meaning it will be more difficult to remove

the hairs.


5.    Ask Me Anything!

Remember, I want you to feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible with me so the more you know about what to expect the more confident you will be going in to the appointment. I am always happy to answer any questions no matter how big or small so please do ask. Plus, I love talking about waxing!


 If you have never experienced that after wax feeling, it’s tough to explain but you honestly feel more confident, you are smiling from ear to ear and you feel lighter on your feet. Most of my clients will tell you the same if you ask them.


Kathy x


Waxing During Pregnancy?